Can anyone help?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 18, 2013
I posted earlier about my gourami. She looks like she has an injury or spot of something on her back?? The male chases and nips her. And I noticed one of the angels nipping her today too. Otherwise she swims and eats normal.

2 blue gourami
2 angels quarter size
1 platy
2 mollies
2 kuhli loaches
3 Molly fry in breeder net

I keep the temp at 79

All was going well... I have said before that I didn't cycle long enough before putting fish in after listening to lfs people so I am doing my best checking levels and Doing water changes.
11/1 pH 7.4
Ammo between .25 and .5
Nitrites less that .25
Nitrate 5
40% pwc

11/3 platy dead when I woke up in the morning

11/4 pH 8
Ammo .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
50% pwc

11/5 today

3 dead Molly fry :(. In the breeder net. No contact with adult fish.

pH 7.8
Ammo .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5 or just over 5

Any ideas why I am having fish die?
It's likely that the fry are succumbing to the ammonia level. You're keeping in check for a fish in cycle, but some fish do not handle even .25 of ammonia.
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