can i convert a reptile tank to a fish tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 3, 2011
i ran into a garage sale and bought this reptile tank (says owner) for 5 bucks and i am wondering if i could convert it it or just use it as a fish tank? i know i have to clean it up and everything but my concern is, is it strong enough for water since it is designed for no water or for reptile use... i reaaly appreaciate any knowledge on this... thanks!
Generally, the answer is no. The seams are not designed to hold the pressure of water, and the glass is usually much thinner on a reptile tank. If it is a very small tank, it might be ok, but I don't think I would risk it. It might hold for awhile and give way one day while you are out. Even 5 or 10 gals of water on my floor would be a mess...
thanks for the quick reply... i think its 12 x 12 x 30... so pretty much 20 gallon i think... okay... i think i just wasted 5 bucks there... hehehe
never thought of the thickness of the glass..just how thick is a 40 breeder? (not trying to highjack thread or anything, just wondering) I had been thinking of putting plants in ours once the dragon gets a bigger tank, but now not so sure.
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