Can i get a quick id?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 8, 2012
Long Island, NY
Can I get a quick id my gf is at petco. And sent me this pix. It's a nem. Should I get it? Tanks 1 month old if that. It's very tiny.

I wouldnt. Here are a few reasons... Your tank isnt old enough to properly keep an anemone (6 moths minimum or so), it doesnt have much color so its probably not that healthy, and its foot isnt attatched to the rock which could mean that the foot is damaged and it might die..
Yea I would stay away. Petco also sets off alarms...all of the livestock I've bought and my friends have bought never made it past a week.
Thanks a lot !! She said it just came in this morning And was $35. About 2.5" she left after she sent me the photo anyways. I hope she doesn't surprise me with it. I'd hate to take in a sick nem in a tank that's not matured.
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