Can I have to much light?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 28, 2003
Winnipeg CAN
I recently redid my hood for my planted 10g. It now has 45 watts. Then just today I noticed that my guppies in the tank have been quite lifeless, just flaoting at the top of the tank in one spot. The tank also now has injected CO2, which as I just recently checked, has lowered the ph. Any ideas what could be causing this?

How many plants do you have in the tank? If you don't have enough plants to use the co2, yes you may have low O2

Has your new lighting raised the temperature much? The warmer the water is, the less O2 it holds.

I haven't read many of your posts, but from looking at your gallery it seems you know your way around a planted tank. What was the ph before, and what is it now?
Is your KH high enough to buffer the water and keep the pH stable?

Don't know how the fish are doing at this point but hopefully their behavior has returned to normal - in the case of fish up at the surface you need to lower the water level to increase oxygenation. Also of course test your water for the usual suspects.
CO2 injection is supposed to lower the pH. As TG states, did you check your carbonate hardness first before addign CO2?
45watts would create a lot of heat...have you tested the tank water temp?
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