Can i keep a cichlid?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 6, 2011
I was wondering if there are any cichlid that I can keep in my 17 gallon tank? In terms of the size of the tank if conditions were adjusted to fit.

Many thanks.
There are lots of dwarf cichlids you could fit in there. You could do a Bolivian ram, and keep your Ph the same, and could even have other tropical fish friends.
Walkbreathe said:
Ok thankyou, sorry I'm new to cichlids.

It's ok! You can't really get into Africans unless you have a bigger tank, but rams are really cool fish! Just make sure you cycle your tank. Check out the link in my signature for details.
Bolivian ram, blue ram, or Apistogramma... a single specimen of any of those should work, depending on the tank's dimensions.

Or, you could try a Tanganyikan shell dweller colony. They're fascinating to watch, but would be better suited to a species tank.

*edit* Tanganyikan shell dwellers are African. ;)
Thankyou I will look into them all, my tank is currently going through the cycling process so hopefully in the coming weeks I can add one of fish you have mentioned :)
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