Can Maracyn-two control fungus?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 23, 2005
Iowa, USA
I got some maracyn-two from the LFS and now I think my fish have fungus. Will it still treat that?
i think it can. Someone else that knows better might come along, but if i remember correctly, that is what I had bought it for at one point.

edit: whoops, spoke wrong again. I bought maracyn 2 to treat a case of popeye. I forgot about that, sorry, I don't know if this stuff will treat fungus or not.

I know the maroxy i have does.
Maracyn 1 and 2 are antibiotics and don't treat fungus. Some fungal meds would be Jungle Fungus Eliminator or a med with methylene blue in it.

Does the fish have white, cottony "fuzzies" on him? That usually indicates a fungal infection.

You can use a fungal med and an antibiotic together. The antibiotic will help with any secondary bacterial infection that may be opportunistic at the fungal site. The Mardel line has a fungal med (can't remember the name) but it will say on the label that it can be used with the Maracyn meds.
I always have used Quick Cure (Malachite Green and Formalin) to treat fungus. Works extremely well. And like An t-iasg said, Methylene Blue also would work.
you could get lucky, your fish might have flexibactor, a bacteria that looks like fungus, then the medication would work
Some considerations:
Quick Cure can't be used if there are inverts in the tank
Maracyn and especiall Maracyn II will more than likely affect your biofilter (even tho the package says it normally doesn't) so watch your ammonia carefully and make sure you do water changes before each new treatment is added. They will also cause your tank to be exceptionally cloudy - like pea soup - its normal, albeit horrible to look at.
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