can you identify it???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2013
hey guys,
i recently posted this pic in one of my threads, i wanted to know the best care for my new addition and if anyone could give me a positive i.d. on him… thanks in advance!! :thanks:


  • IMG_2483.jpg
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  • IMG_2485.jpg
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hey guys,
i recently posted this pic in one of my threads, i wanted to know the best care for my new addition and if anyone could give me a positive i.d. on him… thanks in advance!! :thanks:

Looks like either a mystery snail or a nerite snail!
It looks to be a mystery snail. I've had one if these but I accidentally smashed it with a rock:( They feed on algae, flakes and pretty much everything else. They need calcium to build and keep their shells healthy. If you get two of them they'll need about an inch from the lid of the tank to lay eggs.
Looks like a mystery snail to me. Pretty easy to keep, they are good clean up crews and algae eaters
Mystery snails make great additions to your tank. They are great at cleaning. They will eat anything but usually leave live plants alone as long as they have other food. I feed mine blanched dandelion greens, spinach, algae wafers, lettuce, and other mixed greens. You can feed Tums or similar antacid tablets for calcium. They love the fruit flavored ones. you can also add egg shells or human calcium supplements. The ones with vitamin D are fine. They can lay eggs without a male. The eggs will not be fertile though without a male. However, if it is a she, she could have breed in the store and hold onto the sperm for several months. The higher the tank temperature the shorter their live. They live for an average of two years.
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