Can you QT Plants?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
So I am receiving a shipment of plants on Friday and Im afraid of snails/duckweed is there any way to QT them or get rid of both before introducing them to my tank?
Not sure about duckweed, but there are snail traps you can make (I read about it in a magazine). Good luck! :)
You can dip them in KMnO4 and that should take care of snails, algae, parasites... but duckweed is just something you'll have to look for. If you put them in a bucket or something and carefully shake them, then let them sit overnight, any duckweed will probably come out. I don't dip my plants though... I find snails beneficial.
You can dip them in KMnO4 and that should take care of snails, algae, parasites... but duckweed is just something you'll have to look for. If you put them in a bucket or something and carefully shake them, then let them sit overnight, any duckweed will probably come out. I don't dip my plants though... I find snails beneficial.

Well I'm mainly concerned with duck weed I can rid snails but I want nothing to do with duckweed, I think ill put the plants in my 40 gallon tank over night. And get any loose leaves off and try and find any snail eggs I can eventhough I'm getting like 30 plants so could take awhile Haha

Would this dipping method hurt the plants or even my aquarium after I put them in it? If not please explain the process.
Three week wait, then half your order of shoddy, unhealthy plants. My order came with duckweed AND utricularia AND live snails AND those gummy pond snail sacks AND some black algae. You can tell the portions of the plant that I got from their because they're small, week, and black, and never really grew back leaves. I can't wait for them to grow out so that I can get rid of them.

So yea, some sort of a bath might be prudent, along with careful inspection.
Well based on the way the handle customer service I wont be suprised, honestly I am extremely disappointing in the service I was given and if all my plants do show up Ill be getting my money back via Paypal and if they want me to send the plants back I will I have no desire to mess with that company any further. If they all show up Ill put them in my tank and let them grow out but they will first go through alot of cleaning/inspecting because I dont trust this company one bit anymore. I will then be giving them a little bath in KMn04 to rid all the nasty things Im sure are on the plants. After that the plants will be put into a 40 gallon I have that is empty to weed out any duck weed.
CleverBs said:
Well based on the way the handle customer service I wont be suprised, honestly I am extremely disappointing in the service I was given and if all my plants do show up Ill be getting my money back via Paypal and if they want me to send the plants back I will I have no desire to mess with that company any further. If they all show up Ill put them in my tank and let them grow out but they will first go through alot of cleaning/inspecting because I dont trust this company one bit anymore. I will then be giving them a little bath in KMn04 to rid all the nasty things Im sure are on the plants. After that the plants will be put into a 40 gallon I have that is empty to weed out any duck weed.

If you dont contact them in 24 hours they wont give you a refund. I put my plants in my tank to see if they would come around. Some didnt, but because it was more than 24 hours later they wouldn't give me my money back. If you deny payment, paypal will probably come down on you rather than them.
If you dont contact them in 24 hours they wont give you a refund. I put my plants in my tank to see if they would come around. Some didnt, but because it was more than 24 hours later they wouldn't give me my money back. If you deny payment, paypal will probably come down on you rather than them.

I will contact paypal and tell them what I revived was not what was stated on the site and they will refund my money because its part of your protection from using paypal. Ill try and handle it with them first then if they dont give me my money back ill be contacting paypal
If you are worried about duckweed just run the plants under tap water and dunk them in a clean filled bucket a time or two and see if anything comes up. By potassium if you mean potassium permanganate you can get it via the jungle 'clear water' product.
got my plants today from was very conserned when I got the box I would have small unheathly plants however I was supprised to see the plants are heathy and good size. However Im not taking any chances so I decided to put them in a 5gallon bucket of water with Prime and let them sit till tomorrow when Ill Dip them. I am very glad I did this because as I was taking the plants out of the bags I was running my fingers over some leaves every now and then just to see what came off. I then got out my Red Flame sword that has beautiful color and wiped a leaf and there was a tiny red worm wiggling around.

Just going to give a little report on condition of each plant I bought so others know.

3x Amazon Swords Med: they look very good they dont have as many leaves as the one I currently have but nice non the less
1x Red Flame: Looks Great, however found a red worm on it right away IDK what it could be.
5x Hygrophila Corymbosa: Not really what I expected thought it was a bunch plant turns out its a stem plant...
4x Potted Microswords: Great condition long runners already coming off of them go to trim them up before putting them in my tank.
3x Water Wisteria: Got lots of stems but the leaves are kinda little but they will blow up soon.
4x Java Fern: Honestly the best java fern Iv see yet in person. Very full, nice constant leaf length.
1x Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red Pot: Small not sure how I feel about it we will see how it fills out.
I am going to do a bleach dip and hope for the best. Going to do a 19:1 solution for about 2-3 mins.
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