Care for baby snails?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 2, 2012
My white mystery snail laid a bunch of eggs that hatched last night and now I have more tiny baby snails then I can count! As they would escape from the egg sac I would catch them and put them in a breeding net so now they are all over the sides of it and seem healthy.

Now my question is how am I supposed to take care of the baby snails? What do they eat, what do I give them to help their shells harden, and anything else that would be helpful to know. I just want to give the little guys the best chance I can to survive so please give me any advice you can! Thanks.
Baby mystery snails eat the same things the adults do: blanched vegetables & algae wafers (and algae off the sides of the tank). You can add Kent Marine liquid calcium. has a wealth of information on caring for baby mystery snails, and a wonderful snail discussion board. Congratulations on your babies!
Thanks! And thanks for the advice I'll check out that site as soon as I get a chance :)
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