Carey's 125G Upgrade/Conversion Thread

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Really? I soo did not know that! Thanks for the heads up.
Do you know more details or where you read it? I have crushed coral so my Ph is usually spot on.
Really? I soo did not know that! Thanks for the heads up.
Do you know more details or where you read it? I have crushed coral so my Ph is usually spot on.

Actually I have read it in several books and even found info in a link in AA.

"Although it looks nice, driftwood is not usually recommended, as it can lower the pH of your aquarium and stain your water yellow with tanic acid."

Also read this:

"The most common question most cichlid keepers have about driftwood is "how will it effect my pH?" Answering this question is not easy, but there are a few things to consider. Since driftwood contains tannins (which is also referred to as tannic acid) it will try to lower your aquarium's PH. Your PH may drop if the buffering capacity of your water is low (low mineral content). If the buffering capacity is high, the chance of a piece of driftwood causing a pH swing is minimal.
Driftwood will also tend to soften your water. This is great if you are keeping softwater fishes like Discus, Satanoperca daemon or Uaru Fernandezyepezi. It's not so good if your water already has a low buffering capacity and you are keeping fishes from Lake Tanganyika or Lake Malawi."

Sux, cause I have a few pieces left over from past tanks, but I just don't want to risk it. I have also read that other people haven't had much of a problem with it so give it a go, it might be just fine for you.

I have buffered my water so that it maintains a KH (Carbonate Hardness) at a minimum of 10-13, that will help keep the ph stable and it is holding well at 8.0, I just don't want to play with it for now, maybe in a few months I might put a small piece in and monitor the water etc. Also just so you know how I do it, I use Aquasonic KH generator, and Aquasonic Rift Lake water conditioner, so easy to use and I just add it when I do a pwc

By the way, your tank is looking great!!! the lighting is perfect too ;-)
Wow that was some good information guys. lol

Now I'm not too sure about going with the driftwood. I was thinking one piece with an overhang of about a foot. I guess any amount of it will do it to the ph.

I am low on funds these days and would hate to waste like $60 on a piece of wood with slate. lol
I do not have personal experince but read the same type of thing about driftwood. They do have some decent looking fake driftwood that wont stain nor change the PH If you wanted to go driftwood and were worried about it. :)
kenny69 said:
Hey there Carey how's the set up going? :jump:

Ya, anymore luck? Did you figure out conundrum of wood? I love the look so I hope you can get some....real or fake
I havent had a chance to get to the lfs with the wood, all the good lfs' are at least an hour away. lol

I did get my new glass canopies today to replace the ones I stepped on the other day.

The fish I have in seem to be settling in just fine. Havent tested the water yet but will probably get on that later.
carey said:
I havent had a chance to get to the lfs with the wood, all the good lfs' are at least an hour away. lol

I did get my new glass canopies today to replace the ones I stepped on the other day.

The fish I have in seem to be settling in just fine. Havent tested the water yet but will probably get on that later.

Sorry bout the glass...that's a bummer! But glad everything is running
Not sure if I should start another thread for this question BUT:


Current residents after the big fish rehoming:

4 red empress'
2 Giraffes
2 Zebra Obliquens
1 Electric Blue Johanni
1 Zebra OB (m)
1 red Zebra (f)

The female red zebra is in a 10g qt with her new fry. Not sure when and if I wanna put her back in with the Zebra OB. As far as the OB and the johanni being mbuna they are the only ones I will not part with. My b/f loves them too much.

So i am concentrating on haps and peacocks. ALSO I was thinking a clown loach for a bottom feeder..any issues with that? do you need more than one? Those are the cool big orange looking fish arent they?

Lots of questions! Please feel free to fire away!
Clown loaches are the guys that have similar stripes to tiger barbs, but are much bigger...sorry that's all I got...haha
Yep those are the ones. i figure might as well get a bottom feeder. Was also thinking algae eaters/plecos...I know I dont want a common pleco too ugly and big. even for the 125g. any suggestions on that too?
carey said:
Yep those are the ones. i figure might as well get a bottom feeder. Was also thinking algae eaters/plecos...I know I dont want a common pleco too ugly and big. even for the 125g. any suggestions on that too?

Hmmm...let me check my book...see if I can't find something cool!
You guys and your scientific names. LOL I am soo very bad at that. lemme cut and paste that and see what comes up. :-D
There are a few beautiful plecos too...not as ugly as the common...some have neat spots, or lines so much to choose!
I looked at the synodontis and I love em! They would look so cool in my tank. I gotta see if I can remember that for this weekend, going fish shopping!
carey said:
You guys and your scientific names. LOL I am soo very bad at that. lemme cut and paste that and see what comes up. :-D

Those werent the scientific names! Lol...that was just the name! :) I'm a fan of the clown synodontis or notatus I like the markings
carey said:
I looked at the synodontis and I love em! They would look so cool in my tank. I gotta see if I can remember that for this weekend, going fish shopping!

You liked them? Yay!! What kind did you like?
I couldnt tell ya I just googled it and looked at alot pictures. They all seem so striking, and thats exactly what I want. Thats why I think the clown loach will look so good. I want a tank that people go "ooo and ahhh" when they see it.
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