Carey's LAST Build- 125g Reef

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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It's actually kinda awesome. lol They most of the time try to go in, or get half way in and then they shoot backwards and out. It's like a battle of wits. i swear these things know something is a miss, smart little buggers
i've said it a zillion times and i'll say it again: just cut back on feeding and the bristle worm population will decrease on it's own.
I know, it's so hard though. :-D My babies always look hungry. But seriously, I have cut back but I still need to remove the ones I have. I'm scared to death to stick my hand in the tank to move the rock as it is now.
you are removing the things that are helping your tank, and eventually you are going to have a problem with the excess nutrients.
they aren't going to hurt anything, trust me. you are killing things for nothing. they aren't like aptasia.
If I don't get stung then it's worth it. I have been on the 20g as far as overfeeding and water parameters. I will try to catch a few outta the 125g but I don't stress working in that tank as much since it's so large. lol I don't ever move the base of the rock structure so I don't run into them as much.
LOL I never got to it. But maybe today after I get some more corals. I have a frag/reef club meeting in about an hour so I'm hopeful to come back with some goodies!
best of luck and have fun at your frag/reef club meeting.

oh not that it matters i found out that there is one here in springfield that meets the first sat of the month. think its worth going to? i have no idea what its all about.
best of luck and have fun at your frag/reef club meeting.

oh not that it matters i found out that there is one here in springfield that meets the first sat of the month. think its worth going to? i have no idea what its all about.

I think you woule find it very worth while. Getting to know others in the area and trading stuff back and forth. That is how I got the 4 free frags. :)
I think you woule find it very worth while. Getting to know others in the area and trading stuff back and forth. That is how I got the 4 free frags. :)

we will see, i think i will join the forum site they have set up first and do some snooping around. ive missed the november meeting. december??? man where did the year go???
I wul;d for sure check out a meeting, you never know....this is my forst meet so I'll tell you all how it goes. i look forward to talking fish and corals for the next 3 hours! I can't wait :-D
I joined the one here in Atlanta and I am happy I did. The forum gets a bit crazy with off topic discussions but it is nice to connect with some local people. I went to the October meeting which was a frag swap and that was fun. They have the November meeting which has a guest speaker Leng Sy - Inventor of the EcoSystem Method. This guy was a kid in Cambodia and Viet Nam and barely escaped with his life. Should be interesting but I am not sure if I can make it or not.
Had a great time at the bbq/frag/reef club meeting! Mt lots of nice people adn got a nice bunch of corals and a fish too! I bought a firefish for my biocube and 3 different zooas, an orange fungia, plate coral adn a blue polyp rocxk that I now forgot what it's called. lol Pictures below, if you guys know what the blue one is please let me know!





carey said:
Had a great time at the bbq/frag/reef club meeting! Mt lots of nice people adn got a nice bunch of corals and a fish too! I bought a firefish for my biocube and 3 different zooas, an orange fungia, plate coral adn a blue polyp rocxk that I now forgot what it's called. lol Pictures below, if you guys know what the blue one is please let me know!


Everything looks so awesome! Especially the Firefish. Just a quick question, how come you don't quarantine fish that are not going in your reef tank?
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