Carey's Rimless LED Build

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He's just great. :) All five fish are happy and healthy. I will be re-doing the tank AGAIN so I will update after. Some of the corals are really taking off.

That's fantastic! Can't wait to see after the update!
I haven't gotten very far as far as redoing this tank, but I'm hopeful I will get to it soon.

In the meantime I went fish shopping today and picked up a Stunner Chalice. Looks pretty awesome too. :)

I haven't gotten very far as far as redoing this tank, but I'm hopeful I will get to it soon.

In the meantime I went fish shopping today and picked up a Stunner Chalice. Looks pretty awesome too. :)


Very nice. I went to a frag swap last night and could have spent a couple grand in nothing flat. LOL I did spend $10. I will post a pic of my frag later tonight on my build thread. By the time I got home it didn't have time to open before my blues kicked off.
I haven't gotten very far as far as redoing this tank, but I'm hopeful I will get to it soon.

In the meantime I went fish shopping today and picked up a Stunner Chalice. Looks pretty awesome too. :)


I must say that is a ...........wait for it...............STUNNER!!!!!
carey said:
I haven't gotten very far as far as redoing this tank, but I'm hopeful I will get to it soon.

In the meantime I went fish shopping today and picked up a Stunner Chalice. Looks pretty awesome too. :)

Very nice piece! I though it was fish shopping FRIDAYS, LOL.
I paid only $15 for it. :-D And yeah, I do my fish shopping on fridays but I was in the town my lfs is in today so i figured why not? lol
Nope, no friday shopping for me. I already got 6 fish and the coral this week. LOL I think I'm good for now.
Was at the lfs near me buying cichlid food and found a cool looking fish. :) BUT I made a mistaske in buying it. LOL It's a convict goby and he is about one inch long. After I got home I looked him up and found out he is gonna have to go into the 125g when he gets bigger. they can get to a foot long live aquaria says. :-O

But I have him for now going in this 20g. He is acclimating right now. Here are some pictures, he was extremely active in the store and here so I have high hopes for him.


Cool beans. (Got to watch those impulse buys). LOL

I am picking up a couple of free corals this evening. A guy on the local reef club site posted that he wanted to help some beginners and I figured I fit the bill so I sent him a PM. Turns out I know him (sorta). He is a competitor of ours. LOL Anyway, he said he would pick out a couple of nice ones for me. Can't beat that with a stick.
Are you sure on the size? The only one I could find on Live Aquaria was a Black Barred Convict Goby and it says "Max Size 1-1/2"
Carey is right nelson, look up engineer goby its the same fish
Carey is right nelson, look up engineer goby its the same fish

You are absolutely right. :) Man, I can't believe I would question Carey when it comes to looking up fish on line. LOL I appreciate you setting me straight.
Yep, it was $4.99 and so active i couldnt resist. I kinda figured it would get larger but not that large! lol

he is happily swimming around now hanging with the fangtooth blenny, they are the only two "swimmers" in the tank so I figure there is plenty of room. Girl at the LFS did say to get multiples though, and after researching it says that as well. Should I worry about just having one? I don't want to make it unhappy or anything. lol
carey said:
Was at the lfs near me buying cichlid food and found a cool looking fish. :) BUT I made a mistaske in buying it. LOL It's a convict goby and he is about one inch long. After I got home I looked him up and found out he is gonna have to go into the 125g when he gets bigger. they can get to a foot long live aquaria says. :-O

But I have him for now going in this 20g. He is acclimating right now. Here are some pictures, he was extremely active in the store and here so I have high hopes for him.

Very nice! This is an awesome fish! :)
Kinda bored today and since I went fish shopping already this week I figured I;d take some pictures. :-D




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