It's been awhile so I figured an update was in order.
Some things have gone well and well, some nor so well. First off, the 90g. I lost the sixline one night, fine at bedtime and dead and half eaten by morning. I suspect the banana wrasse had something to do with it, the sixline had been in there for years, he was actually the oldest fish in the tank I believe. He never grew though and stayed small which I guess is how he got eaten. If that wasnt bad enough the lunar wrasse has something wrong with his one eye and has been hiding under a rock for the last week. Not eating, not moving much. I keep thinking he is dead but he surprises me and moves. So, not expecting him to make it but would be nice if he did.
The 180g: Still running well, no real losses I don't think. I have lost like 3 chromis over the last year, which considering that they are chromis isnt horrible. Though any loss stinks but with these guys its almost expected.
The 40b:
A nightmare of algae. No matter how many water changes I do and how little I feed I still have a mad algae issue. I have moved out alot of the coral over to the 60 and even removed some of the algae rock and have it sitting in an old 5g tank so it doesnt lose its bacteria. I expect to sell the 40b as a complete setup, minus the fish of course.
ANd finally, the 60g. Went thru a small algae phase but it seems to be settling down finally. There was a firefish and the lawnmower blenny in there so I figured it would be safe to add a fish. So, what do you think I added? LOL How about a teeny tiny little naso tang?!?! He is about as long as the firefish and I have had him since I think black friday weekend. he is eating like a pig and begs for food so I think i might actually have a winner finally as far as naso tangs. I'm guessing I will be able to keep him in the 60g for a few months before he will need the 180g but I hope to have him acclimated and very happy before then so he can make it in that 180g. This guy is a definite hawaiin tang, spoke to the owner and he said its `100%. All the previous naso's were from indonesia which I think will play a big role in their survival. I was also informed that "blonde" naso do not come from hawaii, EVER., which makes a total liar out of the stores that told me the blondes I bought this last year were from hawaii. Makes me angry that I got taken for a fool. But I guess we all learn something everyday.
Once I sell the 40b I think I will start pricing out upgrades to the 180g. Nothing set in stone yet, just wanna get an idea of where I would be at budget wise if I went ahead and setup a monster tank. Kinda getting tired of all the water changes on all these tanks and would love a huge tank where I could put all my fish in once and for all. I'd like to be at the 400g range but not sure. My fave lfs just setup a 400g in store, just havent gotten a chance to inquire about the specifics what with the holidays and all.
But thats all folks, yet another LOOOOONGGGG post by me! lol