Catfish wc tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2014
Westfield, IN
Hey guys I was thinking about doing a tank with wildcaught catfish and maybe some sunfish, I was wondering if anyone had any good stocking suggestions

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One thing for certain is Bullhead cats and Sunfish are a def no-no !!! Sunfish are very territorial and will nip to the point of injuring a wild caught cat and in return the cat will make lunch out of the sun.

Another thing to consider would be the shear size of the tank for a wild caught. As a juvie a minimum of at least 25-30 gallons and as it matures it will be best in at least a 200 gallon pond in your backyard. They're opportunistic feeders and will eat anything from salamanders and tadpoles to bluegills and largemouth bass. Another thing is they'll live anywhere from 5-12 years.

That's what I can tell you about them, but I can't speak for other types. Hope this helps a bit.

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One thing for certain is Bullhead cats and Sunfish are a def no-no !!! Sunfish are very territorial and will nip to the point of injuring a wild caught cat and in return the cat will make lunch out of the sun.

Another thing to consider would be the shear size of the tank for a wild caught. As a juvie a minimum of at least 25-30 gallons and as it matures it will be best in at least a 200 gallon pond in your backyard. They're opportunistic feeders and will eat anything from salamanders and tadpoles to bluegills and largemouth bass. Another thing is they'll live anywhere from 5-12 years.

That's what I can tell you about them, but I can't speak for other types. Hope this helps a bit.

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Ive kept a mix of bluegill and green sunfish in a 75 gallon with a black bullhead and 2 slendermadtoms and all lived peacefully for about six years till they started getting too big for the tank. then i moved them to my pond and all are still alive.
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