cats who love fishy water!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Calypso77 said:
Ya when our cat was in kidney failure it was costing us over $200.00 a month.

Very cute kitty you have there. :)

Yikes, kidney failure sounds scary :(

Thank you :) when I saw him I just had to have him, he's amazing :) super affectionate
christine2012 said:
He is so cute!

This is Barnaby. I used to not be a cat person until my last cat who totally changed my mind about felines ;)

What a gorgeous cat! I've always loved cats, I love my dogs too but my kitties are always much more willing to cuddle haha
I used to be a dog person, then there was the cat that changed my mind. :) and thanks, he's a sweetheart!
I saw this picture on Facebook today, and it rang so true!

christine2012 said:
I used to be a dog person, then there was the cat that changed my mind. :) and thanks, he's a sweetheart!
I saw this picture on Facebook today, and it rang so true!

Very true! I hate when people don't like cats because they just "don't" . Cats are wonderful! They make cute noises and they love to cuddle and their eyes get huge and they're just adorable!
Here is my little kitten Jingles.......she got her paw hit my a car though, and she has a limp now :(

bud29 said:
Here is my little kitten Jingles.......she got her paw hit my a car though, and she has a limp now :(

Awh poor baby! She's a really pretty girl
bud29 said:
Here is my little kitten Jingles.......she got her paw hit my a car though, and she has a limp now :(

hey I had a kitten named jingles too! gave her, her name on christmas bc she was sitting eith me on christmas. :)
your kitty is pretty too.
NekoOo said:
I had to get a kitty water fountain for my cat because he wouldn't stop drinking from my 10gallon. We spent months yelling at him every time we saw him climb up on the tank to drink, but nothing worked. The little brat even ate my plant once it's leaves reached the surface. I wouldn't have cared usually but I was afraid he was going to break my tank by sitting on it. Dropped 80$ on a nice dog/cat drinking fountain and never had the problem again. I've read cats don't like still, stagnant water which is why they can be caught drinking out of the toilet, faucet, and our fish tanks. Lol

I think I'm going to need to buy that fountain gadget, just adopted a kitty from a family member who always let her drink from the faucet, which simply will not fly with my S/O I discovered!

Peace offering, and yeah I find it kinda grody to see her licking the faucet too after the cuteness wears off!
Since this thread has moved from cats drinking fishy water to cats in general, it is obviously way off topic. I've moved it to the watering hole and changed the title.
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