cetnolucious hujeta or rocket gars or silver gars need advice on care anything!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 20, 2012
I got two cetnolucious hujeta from the store they seem to be doing well but I can't find any info on their care really seems they are a slightly brackish fish but I dont know much else about them except they are awesome so any tips would be great I have heard 1/4 cup aquarium salt per 10 gallons for proper salinity not sure how valid that is they are eating well on a variety of live and frozen feeder minnows brine shrimp and blood worms with some basic nutrients. Thanks for the help they are currently about 1.25 inches but I hear they get 10-12 so i can't wait to see them grow want to keep them healthy.

Thanks again,
Mike and Michelle aquarium crazy
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