Changing filters

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 7, 2004
Virginia beach, VA
I've got a 1.5 month old 10gal tank which is due for a filter replacement in the next two weeks (second filter change). I don't really have a good way to put a new filter in to "condition" it .. the OTB filter has no room for another filter, just about the only way I could have the new filter in-tank is by floating it on the top of the water (not much room there either.)
In the process of setting up a second tank 55gal with biowheels, so hopefully this won't be a issue for long.
Anyone know of a good way to "seed" a new filter without having it next to the old one for a week?

i used to change filters like a madman, but net some very knowledgable folks who recomended rinsing of the filters in some the tank change water before you dump it, filters are one big source for bacteria, if you want to change the carbon leave the filter bagfor several months 2, if your not using H.O.B. filter system then wait for another reply
I'm changing just the media - like it says in the instructions for the filter. I'm just concerned it will get too clogged up and nasty. Is it possible to rip apart the media and keep part of it? My OTB filter uses pre-made filter cartridges.. no good way to open it up.
those filter 'cartridges' are exactly why i recommend non-cartridge based OTB/HOB's, like the Aqua Clear brand. Those sponges literally last for years, and only cost $1-$3 to replace.
Often the filters just need to be rinsed. The manufacturers of the filters would like you to buy a new filter and media every 6-8 weeks (or whatever), but it's not necessary :wink:
*nods and agrees*

Unless the filter media is falling apart, no need to change it. Rinsing it well in the water removed during a water change is enough to remove most of the detritus yet leave the good bacteria. I use the same 3 filter cartridges on each of my tanks; when one gets really gross I pop in another one and scrub the icky one out really well. However, I use filters with Biowheels, and could change filter media daily if I wanted without messing with the good bacterial colonies.

I've seeded new filter media by squishing the goop out of a mature filter into the new one; it doesn't add a ton of bacteria but its enough for a jump start.
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