Cheap Seachem Prime? (UK)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 5, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
My water conditioner just ran out today and I was buying more on Amazon and decided to just buy it on "Subscribe & Save" since it was £1.50 or so cheaper but when I clicked on it on the next page it came up even cheaper.

Initially it was saying to be delivered on like the 14th of August or something but I went into my subscribe and save (which I never used before and don't have anything) and changed it to the closest date which was the 27th of July and it updated and is now coming then.


Worth a try if you need it to see if you can get it almost half price as well?

I just clicked on the voucher bit(its not there for me now if I try it again as I assume I used it) then seen the price was like £17 something and I clicked Set Up Now and on the next page it said it was only £10.17.
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