Cherry barb with white string

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 19, 2012
Hi, I have a bit of an issue with a sick fish and can't seem to find what's wrong online.

165 litre aqua one ar850
Normal tank filter and external tetratec ex700
27 degrees
Sand substrate
Cl 0
Kh 6
Gh 8
No2 0
No3 0
Established for 18 months
Well planted and large bogwood in the tank.

10 guppies
7 mollies
4 neon tetra
8 cherry barbs
4 black neon tetra
1 bristle nose plec
4 shrimps
3 zebra danios
Some fry
4 corydoras

I recently added my cherry barbs and after a week, one of them seems to have what looks like white string or a white worm hanging out of its gills. Can anyone help with what this is and what to do about it as I'm a bit worried about the rest of the fish.

You can just see the white line coming from
The gill in this picture


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I got a fish from the pet store that quickly developed this. I was told it was gill flukes. Does it looked kind-of branched? I returned my fish but they recommended I treat the whole the tank to prevent spread. None of my other fish got it. I don't know if it was the medicine or if just hadn't got a chance to spread.
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