Chinese Water Dragon

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 8, 2011
I know this is probably the wrong place to post this, but I didn't see a place for reptiles yet I know they are somewhere on here. anyway, I am going to be getting a Chinese Water Dragon, I need Ideas on how to do the thank, I was thinking about making rocks and ledges out of this product called Pond Foam, I use it in my reef tank and it looks GREAT! Also what size tank should I use? 60G, 75g? and how many gallons of water should I put in there? and also should I do live plants or plastic? if I do live what kind of plants? I don't want something that needs ALOT of light because I don't want the temp to get up too high, but I still want something exotic... Thank you.

I would check out water dragon vivarium builds on google and even YouTube. You can find lots of info out there.
Yeah, I've looked at almost every video on YouTube and it really helped. Thank you.
...I would think you'd need bigger tanks than that bc I think those get like 4 feet with tail
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