Choices... Arowana or Oscar?? Which to keep

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 11, 2004
New York
I have an Arowana, which I've been able to keep for over two months now and with it are two Red Tiger Oscars which I've had since I set up my very first fish tank so they're kinda attached to me. NOW, my problem is that the Oscars are bullying my Arowana. I've aways wanted to care for an Arowana, I bought the Oscars when I set up my tank to kinda get some experience before I jump into buying the expensive Arowana... But I've become attached to my Oscars because They've survived my ordeal with fish tanks and they've grown considerably big.

I have to get rid of the Arowana or the Oscars because adding another tank in my apartment is just not an option anymore... I don't want to divide my tank but I've put the bigger oscar in this small breeding cage at a corner of my tank... I know it sounds inhumane and looks like its torturing my Oscar (brings tears to my eyes sometimes) but I don't want to see my Arowana get bitten all the time and see scales falling off from the constant biting of the Oscars.... What should I do? I know there's probably no right answer to this, but it helps to vent out once in a while. I didn't think I'd do very well in taking care for fishes and now what I'm left with is a decision thats hard to make.
Yes, the size of the tank is an important detail. If the tank is big enough for two oscars and they appear to be getting along with each other, I'd keep the oscars and take the arowana back to the lfs. My guess is that the oscars have reached a size/age where they will not tolerate any additions to the tank. I understand that arowanas get really big (20 - 30 inches), so returning it now will eliminate tank space problems you would likely encounter in the future.
tank size homie! thats the main factor.

i have some big guys in a 150...but i know that its too small and a 250 is on order...
I'd def. advise putting that arrowana up for sale. Try Aquabid (say "local bidders only" if he's over 6 or 7 inches), and try asking your LFS.

Sorry man, but that's life. I had to give up one of my fish due to size constraints (they mislablelled him in the store, so I ended up with a fish that was going to grow to 2 feet). It was tough, but I had to do it!
Thanks for the advice, my tank now is neither big enough for the arowana nor the oscars and I do realize the problem I will face when all of them grow to their full potential... remember i said earlier that I didn't think I'd do well in taking care for them and everytime I bought a fish, I always thought that they would die before they grow to their full size. I will however do something about it soon... I don't want u guys to scold me if I tell u my tank size... I know everyone will be like, I'm out of my mind for keeping such huge fishes in a 55 gallon tank (ooops there it is) But oh well.
Again Thanks for the advice..
I would keep the Oscars, IF, if your going to get a larger tank for'em.
The 55gal is considered the minimum for one adult Oscar, two will need a minimum of 75gal, preferably 100+gal. The O's also require mega amounts of filtration as they are incredibly messy eaters/poopers.
A adult Arowana ideally needs a tank with a very large surface area for swimming, in excess off 200gal is what I normally hear with 300+gal being ideal.[/b]
Keep the oscars. They're one of the best fish in the hobby, tons of personality, and hardy as anything. Please consider a larger tank, but they will live a long life in the 55 gallon nonetheless. They might not grow as large and it will be cramped, but its been done. My parent-in-laws for one have two tiger oscars in a 55 gallon that are over 5 years old. I have 3 in a 90 gallon and I wish it were larger, but they get along just fine. Filtration is a key if you're going to have them in these smaller tanks though.

Keep the tank well maintained and they'll live a long time. They'll definately survive long enough for you to upgrade to a 75 or something later on :)
IMHO keeping 2 adult Oscar's in a 55 gal and 3 in a 90 gal is not fair to the fish and detrimental to their health/wellbeing. 3 adult Oscar's in a 90 gal is borderline inhumane (especially when you know better :oops: ) when the vast majority agrees that 50/55 gals is the minimum for 1 Oscar.

Do what you gotta do... Eat Ramen noodles for the next 2-3 months, no entertaiment ect... save that $$$ and go get a bigger tank for your Oscar friends.

Or find a new home for one of the three in that 90 gal tank.
Funny, I've researched the question in depth and found most people 50/50 on the topic, not in anywhere near "the vast majority". I won't bother to argue with you on it. Normally I'd be saying the exact same thing but hours and hours of forums and information pages said that a 90 gallon would work, though barely in some people's opinions. So far they've grown very well for close to a year, with no fighting or any ill behavior.
Opinions... Exactly what I'm expressing, my viewpoint and opinion, take'em or leave'em, no argument from this corner either.
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