cichlid attacked by other fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 19, 2012
I have a 55gallon tank with 6 cichlids in it. One of the fish was attacked and has only a very small amount of his.fins left.

Ive moved him to a smaller tank to heal.

Is there any thing else i should do for him? Will it stress him being alone? Also, is it a possibility to return him to his original tank once hes better?

Any advice on getting him better is greatly appreciated :)

I have a yellow lab, white socolofi, rusty, and a kenyi and the other two im not exactly sure the names, but are also africans. The one who was attacked was the biggest and im unsure what hes called
Should be fine alone while it recovers, just keep the water clean/changed and it should be fine as long as the fins are the worst of the damage. Some cover in the tank would be better than a bare tank, less stress on the fish.
The problem with mixing random cichlids, particularly Africans, is their different levels of activity/aggression. They're usually fine together when they're juvies, then once they start maturing they will establish a pecking order. Quite often the result is beat up or dead fish. Returning the fish to the tank isn't a good idea, it's more likely to get hammered again as a "new" fish. Best to research your stocking options for a 55 and work on establishing a stable group or groups that won't kill each other.
What kind of fish is the one that got beat up? And what are your other fish?
CraigMac said:
What kind of fish is the one that got beat up? And what are your other fish?

Theyre all listed in my initial post exept i just remembered one is an auratus. He one attacked is the.only one im unsure of what he is
Oh sorry I started reading at post 2 and your last paragraph was missing :(

Was the one attacked the same type of fish as any of the others? Or similar in coloring? Did you notice if one fish was the bully or were all of them going after it?
CraigMac said:
Oh sorry I started reading at post 2 and your last paragraph was missing :(

Was the one attacked the same type of fish as any of the others? Or similar in coloring? Did you notice if one fish was the bully or were all of them going after it?

So i looked it up and i believe the one attacked was a giraffe cichlid maybe? They all got along well until one day he was just gone. I searched and found him days later behind a plant barely able to swim
So you didn't see if it was from one particular fish then right? What is your tank decor like, are there a lot of rocks and caves?
No i didnt see any fish do it, from what i saw the coexisted peacefully

I added a photo of the tank


  • ForumRunner_20120424_224131.jpg
    64.3 KB · Views: 116
Nice tank :)

If it is a giraffe cichlid, that is a different type of fish then your others, and extremely aggressive when mature. Your other fish are mbuna's. If you put the giraffe back and he matures, your other fish would be in danger.

I would nurse him back to health with frequent water changes. Once healthy take him back to your fish store and trade him in for another mbuna. I would probably get another couple yellow labs, they are great in groups.
Thanks :) unfortunately i guess thats what ill have to do, even though hes my favourite. Thanks for all the help!
Theyre all listed in my initial post exept i just remembered one is an auratus. He one attacked is the.only one im unsure of what he is

Ugh Auratus....It will be chasing your Labs too.

I got one not knowing what it was since I was a Noob To Africans...Killed and Algae Eater then went after my Labs and Peacock. Had to Rehome.
The auratus will claim the entire tank as its territory, and a "giraffe" cichlid (likely venustus) grows much too large for a 55.
Strange my auratus is a great tank boss.He keeps the peace very well and won't stand for disruptive behaviour.He even lets my male eye biter think that he is the boss but only to a point.Its my kenyi that cause most of the trouble but Auratus splits them up every time .
Having said that he would not tolerate any other Auratus in the tank Male or Female.He killed two in a matter of days and I rehomed the other before he killed her also.
You need to decide which direction you want to go. Either you keep the rusty and yellow labs or you keep the Auratus and Kenyi. Giraffe has to go either way, that tank is too small I believe. Do you know yet who is male and female (what size are they now -male Kenyis are yellow and a male Auratus is blue.

I'm almost willing to bet it was either the Kenyi or Auratus causing the injuries, or a group effort. Don't think it was the yellow labs cause that would be like a pug beating up on a pit bull.
Im going to asume it was the auratus because of his behavior ive seen. Both the kenyi and auratus are.female.

If i kept the rusty and lab what other fish can join them?
What id i kept the auratus and kenyi?
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