cichlid in tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 23, 2010
Hey all, i have a spare, fully cycled 20gal tank and it has sand substrate and lots of rock work.... would it be pushing it if i put one electric blue cichlid in there? I really like them but if i keep 1 by themselves with absolutely nothing else in the tank would that still be to small? just curious. Any advice would be awesome!
I believe they need more space than that. What about a Bolivian ram pair or kribs or apistos. Not sure but I think any of those will work
If you put them in there for now but only if you are planning to get at least a 55gal. tank within the next six months.
There are several 'electric blue' cichlids... depends on which one you want. If it's an electric blue ram, sure. If it's an EBJD or one of the several africans, then no.
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