Cichlid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 29, 2005
Brownsburg, IN
Ok I am gonna start up the Cichlid tank. It is a 56 gallon 30 inch tank...

I have been told to go with Malawian Cichlids and I have a list of some I would like to add, someone tell me if I may run in to some problems

Yellow Lab, Blue Peacock, Parrot Cichlid, Yellow Peacock, and a Peacock OB.

Should these 5 mix well? They are already mixed at the LFS together and are all Malawian Cichlids. However should I go couples? or just these 5?
Well, parrots are not malawian cichlids but they may be ok with those. I think fishyfanatic has or had them together with malawians.
RoK said:
Well, parrots are not malawian cichlids but they may be ok with those. I think fishyfanatic has or had them together with malawians.

Yes I knew that, sorry. I read that they can hold their own with other cichlids so they are a good fish with agressive ones.
they should do ok together. Just have plenty of rocks with holes and caves they can claim. You will just have to watch to see if any become overly aggressive. I had a yellow lab they just attacked everything. I traded him in for another and have had no probs since. Good luck
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