cichlid/worm questiom!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2009
Ok so i get up at like 5 in the morning I go to my tank with my albino oscer (im new to fish) but before I had him I had a beta in a 20 gallon tank (the oscer is still small) but when I looked in the tank I saw tiny worms!!!! So I was wondering if maybe these could be blood worms that like hacthed from eggs in the dried blood worms i had been feeding him, my tank is pretty cleen I cleen the gravel every 2 weeks and change water ever week, what could these worms be and what should i do?
well there small like half a millimeter, white i think and swrill around in the tank.
they actually look like mosquito larvae.... i cought one in a glass jar.
They probably are Mosquito Larvae. Your Oscar needs a bigger tank. They grow an inch a month, and he will need a MINNIMUM of 55g tank in the next few months. Plus, they are VERY messy fish.
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I can support the statement that Tetra food may contain planaria. I've never heard of this myself but I use Tetra Microcrabs to feed some of my shrimp tanks and after a few days of feeding this I noticed worms in my tank as well. They weren't there before that and I'm 95% sure it came from that food since I feed it exclusively and it appeared in several of my tanks at once.
vomit, I had planaria in my newt tank. They really look disgusting but they aren't dangerous to your fish. They wil eat them if they can but probably not fast enough to wipe out the planaria on their own
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