cichlids and leaf fish, possible tank mates?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
I have a 55 gallon tank with Two eletric yellow black fined cichlids that are 2" long and my fiance wants to get a leaf fish she keeps seeing at the fish store. Will they get along. My cichlids aren't aggressive at all so far. I put a couple guppys in there cause there smaller bowl broke and they left them alone the two days they were in there. Will the cichlids be able to get along with the leaf fish. Thank you for all your help.
In a word NO African Leaf fish are delicate and sensitive fish.Malawi mbuna are aggressive and boisterous.It will end in death for the Leaf Fish.
I have a 55 gallon tank with Two eletric yellow black fined cichlids that are 2" long and my fiance wants to get a leaf fish she keeps seeing at the fish store. Will they get along. My cichlids aren't aggressive at all so far. I put a couple guppys in there cause there smaller bowl broke and they left them alone the two days they were in there. Will the cichlids be able to get along with the leaf fish. Thank you for all your help.

This is because they are young. There seems to be a common thought going around right now, I've noticed, that if the fish aren't aggressive NOW, they're not going to be later. They haven't hit puberty yet and started coming into themselves. As they get older and bigger, the aggression will start to appear.
K thank you. I live their personallity though. They love each other and will race each other all the time.
cichlidsforlife94 said:
K thank you. I live their personallity though. They love each other and will race each other all the time.

I thought the same thing but after krypti explaining it and doing more research I've put my peaceful fish in a 5 gal until my new 55 gal is up and running...
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