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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 21, 2003
I bought 2 cycloids from the fish store but they only lasted 2 days
The temperature in the tank was correct, the water results were fine

One was yellow another was orange and the last was blue.

The yellow was the first to died.....

the orange and blue were floating at the top when I returned from work

They were the only fish in the tank

Does anyone who has more knowledge than I help me out here??

Thxs Whizzer
Ok, need a bit more information.

First of all, what were the fishes names? Latin names if possible, common names if you can't. If you need ideas, go to for a possible ID.

Second, what exactly were your water params? Let's start with pH, gH, Amm, NitrItes, and NitrAtes. What was the water temperature?

Third, tell us about your tank--water capacity, substrate, decorations, how long it has been operating, etc.

With this information it will be easier to find out what went wrong.
ok i have to admit these fish are not mind they are my husbands.
i was watching over them while he is away on business
i have not told him yet about his fish ..he is home this friday
so not being the fish caregiver I was asked to fed them only while he was away....
all those questions i will have to get my hubby to answer

he has 2 tanks one 33 gallon the other 10gal....

the 33 gallon tank is fine with his fish...the 10 gal is very empty...

thanks for the quick answer...but i dont know much about the answers you need....

all i know is they died quickly.....
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