Cleaning used tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 2, 2006
Brisbane, Australia

These forums look great! So much useful stuff for noobies like me :)

I have an old 180 litre fishtank thats been sitting unused for about 6 months and didn't really have a chance to give it a good clean when I had to empty the tank and move it (painting/renovating). The most i did was let it sit in the sun for a week and gave it a quick scrub with a clean rag and water. Much of the algea is still on the glass, and was just wondering what the best way is to fully clean the tank so i can use it again and not risk having any of the old algea bloom and diseases/bacteria (if any) start living again. I heard if you're not careful, these things can carry over into your new setup ?

I also heard that white vinegar is good to clean the tank/filter/etc, but would rather hear it from people with some experience.

Again, these forums look great :)

Thanks to anyone who can help.
if it's glass, nothing beats scraping the gunk off with a razor blade, just be careful of the seems.
reasons of fish and plants dying etc, may be better in another thread.

I was given a 29 gal that was so covered with mineral deposits and old algae that you could not see through it. Vinegar, a scrub brush (nylon bristles), and a razor blade solved all of that!

Just rinse the vinegar out thoroughly.

Good luck!
I always bleach a tank before use. It will kill any algae and pathogens, but won't remove mineral deposits. For that I use vinegar.
In the past when I have used those methods to clean a tank. When done, yes, just flush the tank a lot, I pretty much go with the idea if you can smell ANY cleaning supplies,,,,keep flushing.

The final question,,, would you drink that water?

But I am a little wierd.

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