cleanning up my sand bed

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 9, 2011
Phoenix, Arizona
So I have had this problem with dark green clumps on my sand bed. I looked at my power head and realised it only did about 120gph so I decided to buy a new one that does 720gph. My inverts seem much much happier and active but on to my question. What in your alls opinon would be the best thing to add to my tank to help clean up my sand bed? I have a turbo snail but he's not to fond of the sand
whats the size of your tank?? I find Diamond Sandsifting gobys to work well but they need larger tanks. Nassarius snails also are great I'd definitely get a few of those.
Okay i would say dont get the diamond sadsifter then, they get very large. I would go with maybe three nassarius snails. Over time the sand bed will also clear up as the tank stabilizes.
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