Clear hoses and algae

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 29, 2006
Hi all,

I love my eheim but the only thing that gives me the sh*&ts is the algae that grows inside the tubes.

Has anyone ever used hose that is not see through?? does this prevent them from blocking so quickly?
My canisters have black tubing. What exactly would the hose color change in regards to blockage?
I've never had a tube blocked due to algae using the black tubes. But then again I've never had the clear tubes so I have nothing to compare it to. All tubes will have some kind fo a buildup in them after a while if they are not cleaned. To keep them buildup free you may want to take the tubes off and clean them out once every month or two. We do it monthly just in case the power goes out we don't have the buildup shooting all over the tank.
Go down to your local music instrument store and get a cleaning snake. They make them in all sizes for french horns to tubas so get one with a good diameter for your tubing.

Something like this will work.
Thankyou all for you comments

I clean them monthly, no problems. But they do cause a gradual decrease in the water flow. It also seems that the better the tank is doing the faster it builds up. It is particularly noticable in my spray bar (Same clear green plastic), presumably because it is under the lights of the tank and the build up slows my water flow.

from what fishy fanatic has said I'm pretty sure opaque tubing will relieve this problem (But not solve it). Will give it a go.
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