Cloudy water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 22, 2015
Hello everyone..I've had my 55gal tank up for a month or two and have good water testing results but my water is cloudy..the front looks ok but from the side you call really see it..I have a pictus catfish, golden nugget pleco, figure 8 puffer, drawf guarami, and lightning pleco..I do weekly water changes and I bought some easy life fluid filter medium ultimate water conditioner but it didn't have any effect..any advice on how I can get this cloudy water clear?

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Cycled to put fish in yes but I'm not sure if it's fully cycled yet..could this be a stage of the tank cycling still?

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To be honest I don't know off the top of my head but I had it tested at a aquarium store yesterday and he told me my water was perfect..I know he tested ph, amonia, nitrates and nitrites

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I'd look at getting your own kit. The fish stores "fine" and the actual "fine can be very different.

I wanted to rule this out before thinking other possibilities. 2 other easy reasons could be a diatom or bacterial bloom. Both are harmless and will go away over time and with water changes. They are common in new tanks.

Yes I agree, but my friend works at this aquarium store and has helped me attain the good levels that I have. .but I agree that most aquarium stores would just give me a "it's fine." In hoping it's a bacteria bloom!

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what if the ammonia is at 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 5.0 and the water is still cloudy?
This is common in new systems (under 6 months old). It is happening in my new 20 gal right now. It's just the bacteria setting up shop. If you want to speed things along water changes will do that for you. It can also happen in older systems if too much waste accumulates in the gravel. If you have been vacuuming then this is probably not the issue. Also...using activated carbon can help pull those dissolved organics out of the water. That's what the bacteria making the white cloud feed on.

The only other thing that makes white cloudy water is dust from crushed coral, shells, or Sand etc. You would know if that is what it was because it would have happened as soon as you added it in with the water.
what if the ammonia is at 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 5.0 and the water is still cloudy?

Because it is from excessive carbon in the water. Also known as dissolved organics. Activated carbon or Purigen can help. Water changes and gravel vacuuming help too. Eventually it should go away on it's own.
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