Clown pleco substitute

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 1, 2005
Good evening.

We have had our 10 gal tank with gold skirt tetras in it for a number of months now and all seems to be going well. We have a regular pleco from the local fish store for the algae and he is getting huge. He started out about an inch and is now about 5 inches long. I am concerned that as he grows we will be out of order on the 2 inches /gallon guideline.

I have talked to a few fish stores here and in the city about getting a clown pleco but it seems that they are VERY hard to get.

Is there a substitute? Something that will eat the algae and left over food, something that will get along with the tetras, and will stay down to 2 to 2.5 inches like a clown pleco would?

Looking forward to your advice.

I haven't seen the bristlenose pleco in local stores. Are they more common than the clown or will I have the same problems getting one? 4 inches isn't too bad.
They may indeed be rare in your parts (I didn't take your location into account). We've actually had a member who was temporarily residing in Canada, come all the way back to NY and return with some of them for a Canadian member.
YAY a pleco thread. :)
Mind if I ask.... what are those pretty black & white swirly pattern plecos I've seen pix of? Do they stay small?
hmmmm... 6" long and doesn't get along with Corys. PRETTY but not good for my current set-up. Maybe someday when I upgrade......
I've heard that Bulldog Plecos and Rubberlip Plecos are really good algae eaters that stay in the 2" - 3" range. They'll probably be harder to get ahold of than the Bristlenose Plecos though.
if you have a petco nearby thats almost a guarenteed clown pleco/bristlenose, from what ive seen. but the petco and petsmart around here have been deteriorating, fishwise
krap101 said:
if you have a petco nearby thats almost a guarenteed clown pleco/bristlenose, from what ive seen. but the petco and petsmart around here have been deteriorating, fishwise

The one by me has had lots of rubberlip plecos, but that's about it.
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