Aquarium Advice Regular
Haha, reminds me of my old office..
stop doing so many water changes,once a week is fine for 20 fry in a ten gallon,your just removing rots!Alos you need to be feeding them baby brineshrimp by now with the rots,then bbs on its own for a few days and then gradually add some finely crushed flake food with the bbs, after about 10-12 days just feed flake.Hi, I know this thread is from a while back, however need your help. I have managed to raise around 20baby clownfish for 5 days the problem is that none of them seem to be growing!!?? They are in a 10 gallon tank and being fed regularly with rotifers the water is fine and I do water changes every 2 days. Any suggestions on why this maybe happening will be useful