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i really want to get a true perc clown, but i was wondering that if i got two of them, if they would mate. i don't want them to, but would they if i had only two of them? is there any way to prevent mating?
i think clown fish are hermafidites and the dominent one becomes the male,(is this true?) you probably wont have too worry about the fry if you have other fish in the tank as im sure they will gladly eat them.
well, actually, it's the other way around, the dominant one becaomes the female, but all i was planning to keep in the tank was the two or three clownfish, and i really don't want any more then that..
Unless you buy too large females (which will fight and possibly kill each other so don't!), you are almost assured to get a mated pair of clownfish. However, the larval stage resulting from any spawning is difficult enough to be successful when you are actually trying, so I highly doubt you would have to worry much about being overrun by new clowns.
i dont think there is a way too stop them from breeding unless you only get one, but like the pervious post said the chances of them surviveing are not all that high.