clowns not eating

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 26, 2003
west virginia
I picked up 2 small percula clowns Friday evening and as of tonight they still have not eaten. I have tried frozen brine shrimp and omega one flake food. The food will float right past them and they don't seem interested at all. Should I be worried yet? What do I do if this keeps up for longer? I have waited 4 months for my tank to cycle and finally was able to get my 2 clowns. They are so beautiful and we have already fallen in love with them. Someone please help because we don't want them to die.
It's only been a few days, not time to worry yet. What were they feeding them at the store? Did you make the LFS feed them for you, do you know for a fact your fish were eating? Please refer to our articles section to the article on quarantine, there is a list in that article of things you can do to decrease fish mortality and make your aquaria experience more enjoyable.
My lfs store just got in a large shipment Friday morning and he called me at work later that day because he knew I had been waiting for clowns. My wife and I were so excited that we went there right after dinner to see them and pick them up. I know that was a quick decision but we were so excited. They were tank raised from wherever he buys them. I will call him tommorrow to see if he can help.
I know you're excited and have a hard time resisting as I have the same problem. I've learned the hard way and lost tons of money/animals so now I"m super careful and research every single thing before I buy it and make sure it's healthy and eating before I get it. Okay sorry I'll get off my soapbox, just thought I'd share my story, there's nothing worse than being so excited about a new critter and haveing it die loosing money and the cool animal.

Anyway, my 2 clowns were tank raised and ate at my LFS, however they didn't eat for close to 10 days once I got them home. I was getting really worried then all of a sudden they started pigging out :lol: I wouldn't worry too much yet.
My clowns didn't eat for a little while after I got them home too. When buying a new fish, I have heard that you should see if they can be put on hold for about a week and ask to see them eat before you get them. This way, you can check in on them after a few days and see how healthy they are. (especially if they are a new shipment) Wish I heard this before I bought my fish. I was just as excited as you...I got lucky and had no problems, but I would do it in the future. :wink:
I called the owner of my lfs this morning and he told me the shippers were feeding their fish a pellet type food. I drove to the lfs on my lunch hour and he gave me some of the pellets. I feed some this evening and one clown took a couple of bites and the other acted interested. Wish me (and the fish) luck, I will keep you posted!
Mine didnt eat for four days. I used garlic extrem that brought them around.

Good Luck Dewey

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