College football starts tonight!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 19, 2012
Omaha Nebraska
We all have been waiting and it's finally here! So, who's everyone pulling for this year? I know people have strong ties to there favorite teams(I'm no exception), but please try and keep team bashing to a minimum thank you. Now, GO BIG RED!!!!
The broncos are not that bad, actually they have been to six super bowls and have won two.

The steelers have been eight times and have won six, the most out of any NFL team.
The only team that I dislike is the Kansas City Chiefs.
bud29 said:
Fine. Broncos. Just no cowboys fans.

Lol Dallas has been eight times but they haven't been back since '96 seems like all they've got going for them is the cheerleaders lol maybe they should let the DCC play, they might win for once

I guess in the spirit of rivalries and all because I saw Jackwagon's wonderful profile picture, I should change mine to this....
I'll be a wolverine til I'm dead and gone ;)
Every year I root for Michigan in the Michigan/Ohio State game. I don't know why, I don't particularly care for either team.....maybe because I like the underdog.

If the cowboys let the cheerleaders play, 3 things would happen:
1. They would be back to being America's favorite team.
2. Their games would be more watched than the Super Bowl.
3. They would actually start winning.

I need to send a letter to Jerry Jones right now. I think we are on to something here!
Bud you are the man.

The Cowboys are a bunch of felons and how could anyone root for a Nut wearing a sweater.

Mike I am always reminded at this time of year about your lack of taste in football teams :p.
So far I have done 2 fantasy drafts this year and I have yet to pick a cowboys player. I have my last draft on tuesday and I intend to keep my streak going;)
Forget Michigan and Ohio State, GO SPARTANS! Michigan state is where it's at ;) Even though I'd much rather hangout in ann arbor than in east lansing lol
Let's not even go there with the Spartan talk lol I'm just joking. My uncle is a huge Spartan fan and we trade football jokes back and forth on Facebook. Its always a good game when Michigan and State play each other. Those teams can get a little out of hand :) but always a good show.
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