Colorful medium light plants?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 18, 2011
Can someone help me? What ars some colorful background medium light plants? I have a lot of rotulla which is mostly green. I want to add more color.
Red Myrio (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) and Myriophyllum tuberculatum, proserpinaca palustris cuba (mermaid weed) can all do medium light but remember most red/pink/orange/yellow plants color up more with higher light. The Myrio Tuberculatum is actually in the orange color range, it's very unique and grows very quickly (in my tank). Proserpinaca also colors up in the oranges. Red Tiger Lilies are good also. Here are some other red/pink/yellow plants I have in my 220g but these are going to need higher light and either CO2 or liquid carbon to get their good coloring. They are:

Indica (Rotala roundifolia) (easy to grow and can do medium light)

Nesaea pedicellata 'Golden"
Limnophila aromatica 'hippuroides' (This one has georgeous hot pink upper stems)
Rotala wallichii (needs softer water)
Rotala macrandra
What exactly is medium light to you? Are you going to supply everything else that plants will need at higher light levels, ie ferts, carbon, etc? Otherwise you'll have issues growing healthy and algae free plants.

Alternanthera reineckii is a good medium demand colored plants. There are also a number of darker crypts that can break the monotony of green as well.
Crypt Wendtii/red grows well in just about any light condition and adds color. It is also undemanding for fert requirements, though the richer the environment, the better the growth. It turns green under high light / high tech environment.l

Once established, the plants tolerate algae on them better than any I personally know of.

Tiger lotus is a good experiment for most conditions and has varied colors, but can grow out of control under too much light and/or with rich substrate conditions.
Impulse09 said:
Thanks all! Here is my tank now.

What are the tall skinny plants in the background? I've been looking for something like that and couldn't find anything at the stores I go to. Nice looking tank btw

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