Columnaris Triple Sulfa didn't work. What next Jungle Fungus or Furan 2?

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I have honestly never encountered such a problem. Kanamycin usually is effective in killing off most infections. So, I dont know if you have a particularly resistant infection or if there may be a fungal aspect to this. Unfortunately, antibiotic resistance is becoming a bigger problem & access to stronger antibiotics isnt possible without prescription or waiting a month to receive something from another country. The Jungle fungus meds do have 2 more common antibiotics plus an additional med that is aimed more towards fungus. Lets give it a try & see if it makes any difference. I would consider ordering some methylene blue as well in the event this med has no effect. Keep us posted!
I just realized something. The antibiotics in the Jungle meds are the exact same ones as the furan2. The potassium dichromate is the only difference. Did you purchase any of the Maroxy? I think I would try this next even though I have no personal experience with Maroxy. Maracyn Plus is another antibiotic to consider as well although it can be difficult to find and is not sold in some states.
Ok I have Maroxy. BUT I have a neon tetra in my main tank with pop-eye. :( I am getting so frustrated with sick fish. 1 set from the lady I bought the tank from, 1 set from the fish store and I myself have lost 2 neon tetras for unknown reasons. I test the water and it is good so I am not sure why they are getting sick.

Anyway Looks like maroxy won't help that so I will treat the 14 fish with that and use something else for this little neon.

Darnit I was going to move my main fish into the 75 gallon today!
Should I just start dosing the 75 with ammonia?

I was going to pull the pop eyed neon and one neon breathing rapidly out of the 28 gallon and treat them in a little 3.5 gallon I have. Should all of those fish be treated that are in the tank with popeye?
If theres no fish in the 75, dosing ammonia would be a good idea. Is the pop-eye fish from a different tank or is it in the same tank as the other sick fish? If its from the same tank, you might as well treated everyone at the same time.
No fish in the 75 gallon

Pop-eye fish is in my 28 community tank

Columnaris fish are in a 10 g I will be starting the Maroxy shortly but it doesn't appear to treat pop-eye

So I see my options as being:
Put pop-eye in with Columnaris and treat with Kanaplex and Maroxy (if that is possible) or jungle clear but exposing each fish to the others illnesses seems like a bad idea

Treat Columnaris fish with Maroxy (seems like the best option)

Then treat the entire community tank for pop-eye (this tank has cories and other tetras as well)
Pull the pop eye and one rapidly breathing tetra out and treat them in a 3.5

I can't decide how to approach the pop-eye.

Ok- try the maroxy on the columnaris (or whatever it may be) tank. Pull the 2 other sick fish from the other tank & put them in the small tank. Is the popeye fish popped in both eyes or only one?
Both eyes on one neon tetra. My husband says he looks like a hammerhead tetra.

Two other neons are breathing rapid and since yesterday all my red eye tetras are hiding :/.

Lol I'm new to the hobby. Wish I had found some heartier fish! :)
Both eyes is a bad sign. It usually indicates an internal infection. Im not sure why the other 2 are breathing rapidly- it can be any number of things. You can try antibiotics with this group & hope for the best. Good luck!
Ok I will put them in the 3 1/2 gallon and get some sort of antibiotic on them. Wondering if the Jungle fungus would work. Goodness knows by now I have a ton of meds!
The jungle stuff has the same antibiotics as the furan2 but I do not know if they are of the same strength.
Just my input here. Maybe 3 or 4 months ago I noticed white cotton patches on the mouths of the two turquoise rainbowfish I had recently added to my tank. At first I tried lowering the temp and daily large volume water changes to no avail. Tried primafix and melafix which has cleared up fungus in the past for me. Then I tried something with metronidazole in it which still didn't work. Finally I took some Bactrim DS as at this point a lot of my fish weren't looking so hot. None had died but they were all gasping for breath and not eating well. I crushed the Bactrim the whole tablet and dissolved it in water and put it in the tank. I did this every other day for a total of 3 tablets and then waited a full 10 days and it had cleared up but the fish were still lethargic. I then started doing daily water changes. Started with small water changes till I worked up to 50% and at that point. Throughout all of this I think I may have lost a couple of neon tetra's and a cory or two. But the two rainbow fish, my bristlenose pleco, and even my bolivian ram all made it through without a hitch and are still strong and healthy as ever.

I believe I got a resistant strain of some sort of bacterial infection. Of course I cant really recommend this as you technically shouldn't have any people antibiotocs laying around. However it is technically the same stuff and it worked for me.
I might be seeing improvement with the maroxy! Knock on wood. Sucky that my main tank gets sick right when I start to figure out the QT tank! Thanks for all the help. Hopefully this will work.
Me too! Thanks for all the help. Hopefully it will continue to work!

Now that I have pop-eye in a hospital tank and fungus in the QT tank can I use the same gravel vac for them or will I cross contaminate? Looks like I can which stinks. I will do a 1 part bleach to 9 part water solution and then tank water through the gravel vac to disinfect.

And should I treat the Cory's and Red Eye tetras that were in with the neon or wait until they show symptoms?

Do I continue salt?
Yes, I would disinfect between water changes. Or use a bucket for water changes on the small tank because its such a small amount of water. Whatever salt level your at, maintain it for now until everybody is healed. I would wait & see how your other guys do before considering treating them- if anyone shows the slightest symptoms, then you might as well treat them , too. You really have your hands full with these fish!!! :)
I do and it stinks!

I had ich fish before this. The stinky thing is that I'm having problems with fish from a previous owner and fish store fish so when one of mine I've had for 3 mos get sick it's a downer.

So it looks like it is NOT getting better. Some of the black neons have the white. On the big fish I notice what looks like a more cottony patch on his upper lip. So I hate to flip flop but I'm not sure the Maroxy is helping. Tempted to just have a mass offing of all tetras in my house! (kidding)

Not sure what to do next. Are there big guns? Copper sulfate more salt scoop up the fish and take him to the LFS for them to look at?

I need to go get more coffee and take my daughter to dance class an sulk. Lol
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