Compatible w/ a CBS

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 19, 2005
Just curious for a Invert only tank (5 gallon) what would be compatible w/ a coral banded shrimp. As far as other shrimps, crabs, or the reef like lobster. Also curious if a pistol shrimp would be ok w/ one.

As of right now I just have the CBS and a few snails and hermits.

Just curious what else could go in w/ him.
I think the snails are fine but the shrimp is iffie. In such a small tank, there's not much room to get away if there is a problem.
He's already molted twice in the tank and he's doing pretty well. He has the run of the tank, w/ no threats. I do have other systems that I can put him in but thought he would be a nice centerpiece in the desktop tank.
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