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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 19, 2013
Okay so I have 3 Convicts, 2 Pink males and 1 black female. Well the smaller one of my males and my female were a breeding pair and the bigger male is there son. Well I bought them from a friends older sister. When my bf and I brought them home & acclimated them she followed her mate around for bit. But their son and her have paired up now and he's being nippy now with the old mate (to the point he was getting depressed I had to move him to my 10 gallon till we get our 30g started up and through cycle. What do I do about this?
What exactly are you asking for? You re homed the one that was getting picked on right? Sounds like you did the right thing.
I wasn't completely sure if I should separate the mother and son from spawning? And put the other guy back cause he's the only on that picks on him. But the son goes after everything but targeted him the most.
I wasn't completely sure if I should separate the mother and son from spawning? And put the other guy back cause he's the only on that picks on him. But the son goes after everything but targeted him the most.

You have to separate them just like you did.
Alright thank you. I just wanted to be sure. He's with my Blue Kenyi right now till we get the 30g going and through a cycle or two.
My heater broke and ended up cooking him :/ my pleco is the only one that made it.

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