Coral-Vite or Coral Accel

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 17, 2006
Lawrence, KS
I have been reading around lately and have learned that my new protein skimmer can take out things that benefit my corals along with all the bad things it takes out .... so I have been looking and have read good things about this two products and was wondering if anyone had used them or if they were worth getting or one is better than the other or if another brand is better ..... I have mostly zoos, soft corals, and a LPS in my reef if that helps any ... and im just looking for something that will supplement and stimulate growth now that i have everything where i want it .... thanks

You should not need to add ,if you do regular weekly PWC if you do add be sure you can test for it as alot have suppliments such as iodine/iodide , calcium, ect they can mess with your ph , alk so be sure to test to make sure that they do not throw that out of balance
The products are different:

Coral-Vite is a vitamin and mineral supplient (calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, strontium, etc). With regular water changes I don't see much reason to use this unless your tank has very high demands.

Coral-Accel is called a "growth stimulator," but if you read the label its really more like "food" I guess. Protein, fat, fiber, etc. It's 99.8000% water. You can risk overfeeding and fouling your water if you use too much of this product. Depending on what type of corals you have, and what their nutritional requirements are, you may or may not choose to use this product.
Don't waste your mentioned, regular PWCs will do the trick and be healthier for your tank as well.

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