Cory Cat or Pleco

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 22, 2009
I am just starting up a 20G community tank. I want to get either a Bristlenose Pleco or a Cory Catfish? What is your prefrence?

Also, do cory cats eat algae or are they strictly scavengers?
I'd go with corys because they are so much fun when you have them in groups. They are not algae eaters like otos, plecos and SAEs, but they do "nibble" algae wafers. They do scavenge but they will also eat when you feed the other fish. They are pretty good to have for a clean up crew if you tend to over feed. Since we have ghost shrimp in our community tank with lots of faster fish, I have to feed a little extra, and the corys help pick up the slack.
Cories don't eat much algae but they are scavengers. If you can get a female bristlenose they stay about and inch or a little more smaller than the male and more likely to clean up better. If you have an algae problem now it might be best to find out what is causing it or if it is a natural part of the cycling like diatom aglae.
No algae problem (havn't even set up the tank yet) but I am trying to decide which fish to get and I thought it would be a good idea to have an algae eater in the tank.

Would a ghost shrimp do the same thing as a cory as far as clean-up goes?

Would it be a bad idea to get only one cory?
Ghost shrimp and corys can work together too. We have both in our 29. Corys are best kept in groups, at least a pair and they shouldn't be put in a "new" tank. The tank should be well established.
Usually it means having it set up for several months. I usually don't follow that rule with cories but I do make sure my tank is cycled and stable as in the rest of the fish have been gradually added. Then I add my cories and algae eaters if there is any to be added.
Ok so i'm thinking either albino bristlenose pleco, panda cory cat, or oto cat.

The main reason is that I do not want my algae to get out of control.

It sounds like I should be going with the pleco or oto when it comes to algae.
Ok so i'm thinking either albino bristlenose pleco, panda cory cat, or oto cat.

The main reason is that I do not want my algae to get out of control.

It sounds like I should be going with the pleco or oto when it comes to algae.

Then control your lighting, feeding, etc. and the algae won't be a problem. No need to add fish. ;)
Pandas won't eat algae, but they're really fun to watch in groups

I prefer Otos over plecos in a small tank. They're a smaller bioload and I've never had much luck with plecos eating algae. I've never had a bristlenose though.
Plecos can get monster big like a more than a foot!!!I'd go with cories they're so cool! :D
not Bristlenose though.

otos and cories are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 6+. BN pleco really doesnt eat a lot of algae. otos only eat some kinds of algae. your best bet is do what HN said and get one of these....

BN plecos love algae and would also appreciate some driftwood to rasp on. They will also take blanched veggies like zuchinni, cucumbers, squash, etc and they will also eat algae wafers, flakes, pellets, and frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. BN plecos are a favorite of discus keepers for eating algae that comes from keeping the lights on for extended periods of time. General rule of thumb for stocking them for algae duty is one adult per 20g.
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