Cory Question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 26, 2012
Columbia, PA
Can you mix and match cory cats?

Also, would I be able to add a school of them into our current community set up?

1 angelfish
5 tiger barbs
2 neon tetras
3 glo fish
3 fancy guppies
1 male neon dwarf grourami
3 ADF's
1 clown pleco
1 unknown/unnamed tetra

I know we need to rebuild our schools of tetras, some got taken out due to ich, others due to an aggressive fish, who we plan on determining the culprit before we add more fish into the tank. We run 2 Whisper 60 HOB filters.
You certainly can mix and match cories. While they're happier with their own species they will still shoal together and take comfort in the presence of other cories regardless of species.
Thanks. Also, what's the most you'd suggest for my tank size and with the other bottom feeders I already have? I know minimum is 4-6 depending on the type of cory.
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