Crystal reds and blacks in Canada

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 16, 2011

I am just wondering if anyone knows where I would be able to purchase either crs or cbs in Canada. I live in Ontario but none of my lfs carry these shrimp. I would prefer to go through another hobbyist rather than a pet store.

If someone can point me in the direction of a breeder or shipper in Canada I would be very grateful!

I don't know of a single online dealer based in canada.

There are a few members, and one in particular who lives In canada and sells high quality shrimp.

He is newer, and he hasn't commented recently. His username is Shrimpbako. Id pm him.

If you go back in the posts, he talks about some of his products.

I'd also advise you post an ad in our classified section.
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