Curious about plants

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 12, 2013
St. Louis MO
I was considering starting to do some live plants in my 10g but i'm wondering are there plants that don't require huge light output or the addition of CO2 something easy to maintain etc. I've got sand substrate.
There's plenty of plants you can get. Just to name some, you can get java moss, java fern, Anubias, hortwort, duckweed, etc.
That'd be great, what kind of care do they require if you dont mind me asking, I want live plants I just dont have the money to spend on doing the co2 etc and to be honest i'm still new to this again and so learning MORE would probably fry my brain, so something low maintenance would be fantastic. I appreciate the help alot.
DONT GET DUCKWEED!!! if u read the name it says duckWEED!! it multiplys incredibly fast and is a nuisance to get rid of, it also gets into your filters and ughh!! just dont grt it :)
Crypts would be a good option. A crypt lutea would make for a nice sized larger plant for a 10g. All you need to do with them is add a root tab near the crypt in the substrate and your good to go! You can either buy root tabs or make your own. If you choose to make your own you can do it one of two ways, either put old tank water in an ice cube tray and put about 6 pellets of Osmocote (either indoor/outdoor formula, or Osmocote plus) in each section and freeze or you can buy 00 size gel capsules (found on amazon) and film with Osmocote pellets.
That'd be great, what kind of care do they require if you dont mind me asking, I want live plants I just dont have the money to spend on doing the co2 etc and to be honest i'm still new to this again and so learning MORE would probably fry my brain, so something low maintenance would be fantastic. I appreciate the help alot.

No special care really. They'll do fine with using fish waste as fertilizer and low light is okay. But you won't really see them forming a huge
Jungle anytime soon.
Low-light hardy-

Java moss/fern
Water sprite
Water wisteria
Cambomba (spelling?)
Any moss
Four leaf clover
Amazon sword
Brazilian sword
Dwarf sag
Chain sword

That's what I can think of off the top of my head
I knew they wouldn't become a jungle but I'd like to be able to do live plants for my beta and I know my LEDS are bright for lighting but not for plants I just want them to not die with the LEDs and was just wanting some input on it from more experience. I appreciate the list ill have to look into some of those.
I'm going to plant my 10g for the first time too here in a couple weeks! I'm going to try a DIY CO2 setup with sugar, yeast and water though to give me more plant options:) it seems fairly simple from my research- you can check out what I post when I get started on it and see if you want to try it!
Also one thing that will help your plants along is co2. I don't have a co2 system but I dose liquid co2. You can order it online, I've found it on amazon or, I'm sure you could find it on eBay as well.
Meant to ask the plants listed like crypts and the Anubias will work with sand substrate right?
Meant to ask the plants listed like crypts and the Anubias will work with sand substrate right?

Yes they will! I have a sand substrate and all my plants are just fine! Just be sure and use root tabs with your crypts!
Thanks again, I'm gonna read up more on them, I actually got a small piece of plant in with the shrimp I got today that has rootage I might see if it'll grow lol
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