Cuts of Salmon Fillets Good Oscar Food?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 17, 2014
The salmon is from Lake Michigan, and is just cooked on the grill. If this is fine, would any seasoning or marinating be harmful? I just ask this so it wouldn't have to be cooked seperately
I feed my oscars cooked chicken and turkey with no skin so I dont see why it wouldnt be okay.

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Don't cook the salmon and don't feed turkey or chicken. Get a good pellet as the staple for the diet. As a treat feed some bloodworms or uncooked shrimp, freeze dried krill soaked with Boyds vitachem or seachem nourish is very beneficial to them. Once a week feed shelled peas or a veggie based pellet. This helps their digestive tract. Lots of large frequent water changes are a must with oscars, and a proper size tank.
I had a red tail catfish that I only feed my daily catch to and he grew like a monster. Some fish are fine to eat raw fish but they should have a variety of food in there diet that goes for most all fish.
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