Cycling Advice

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 11, 2013
I just read in another thread not to change out the filter material every month. I never knew that. I have two filters in each of my tanks. If I change out only one every month, would that be OK? I don't understand how they can work when they are filthy.

I just had to do a fish-in cycle in a tank plagued with camellanus worms. I cleaned out the whole tank after finally getting rid of the worms. I reused about 1/3 of the water, but I got rid of the gravel. I medicated the tank again for the worms. I put in some glass rocks so I can vacuum easily and see any critters. I changed out both filters. I vacuum out and replace about a fifth of the water every 4 days. I add Topfin Bacteria supplement with each change. My levels are fine, but some of my fish look stressed (the last ones who had the worms). Am I wrong to not use gravel? This is a 29 gallon livebearer tank.

Also, when I changed out the filters a few days ago, there were small moving dots in the bottom of the bucket I used to empty out the filters. I don't understand how I can have any kind of parasite after spending a month treating my tank with medication which worked on the camellanus.

I have a 75 gallon angelfish tank which never gives me any problems. Truthfully, I haven't vacuumed the gravel - ever. I just change out 1/5 of the water and the filter material every month.

Any suggestions on what to do with the 29 gallon? Does adding gravel help with the cycling?
Has the gravel dried out? Has it been cleaned well? And I haven't changed out a filter cartridge in over a year. It doesn't make sense to take out the bacteria that the filter is for. Granted, every time I mess with a filter junk starts coming out of it, but it always clears up fast.
Thank you Max for your reply.

I threw the gravel away. These camellanus worms were so hard to get rid of. I knew I would have cycling problems and would probably lose some fish, but the worms were killing them anyways.

In the 75 gal, I haven't touched the gravel in over 7 years, so I'm not going "fix" it if it ain't broke :) And it's a very healthy tank. I'm wondering if I'm messing too much with the 29 gal.
I would leave the 29 be for like a week, and just see if anything new pops up. Do a water change at the end of the week, and take a closer look. We can treat, fix, change, whatever we need from there. Is your 75 gallon planted? Oh and what are the parameters for both tanks?
Thanks Max,

Just fake plants. The parameters were just a little over nothing in the 29. I haven't tested the 75, as everything seems fine in there, and has for years.

Thanks for your advice!

Can you give me a list of the parameters for the 29? And I definitely think there are advantages to not touching the gravel bed. It's a great place for helpful bacterias to grow
Thanks Max,

I don't have any gravel in the glass, just some glass balls that don't cover the bottom. So you're saying I should add gravel. Will do.

I haven't checked the water levels today.

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