Cycling question for a planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 28, 2015
Hey all

So I'm getting ready to start cycling my tank in the next few days, but I've got a bit of a dilemma.

I was planning on adding the plants right away and leaving it to cycle, but the store that I'm going to is an hour drive away and the weathers about to get bad over the next few days.

Will it be alright to start cycling the tank and adding the plants when I manage to get out and get them, or should I wait to start cycling until I can buy the plants? I'm not sure if adding live plants in the middle of a cycle will have any negative effects or force me to start over.

Also, if I do start cycling first and get the plants later, I was also planning on getting a ram cichlid and four corys at the same time, would they be okay in a ten gallon qt tank until my 20 is done cycling, or would it be better to wait and go back?
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