Dalmatian Molly Fry. Help!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 3, 2013
Nogales, AZ
So earlier today I walked passed my main 20 gal tank and I see what I thought was a bug. Then, I look closer and it turns out that I have molly fry! I couldn't buy a breeder box because I live in a small city with a little petsmart and they aren't available, so the fry are just swimming around in the 20 ani mlved the mom out to my 10. But I was wondering how do I care for them? I know I h/ve to feed them crushed flakes but after how long will they start eating?

Some o the fry.


The rest.

And the mom!
I have never kept Molly's but I have a friend that does. From their experience they always just leave the fry in the tank. They might not all always survive but some will. Crushed flakes is fine. Otherwise ik baby brine shrimp is one of the best fry food.
I have never kept Molly's but I have a friend that does. From their experience they always just leave the fry in the tank. They might not all always survive but some will. Crushed flakes is fine. Otherwise ik baby brine shrimp is one of the best fry food.

No no no. Leaving fry to survive on their own will almost seal most frys death sentence. Fry are very sensitive to water parameters and need to be fed 3-5 times a day. I feed my baby koi crushed flakes too. They actually started eating once they hatched so your mollies should be able to eat a bit for now. For now, add a small pinch full of crushed flakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Additional feeding can be served between two meals. As the fry grow larger, feed them more and more but not as often. Now my koi fry are around .5" and I feed them around 3-4 pinch fulls for b, l, and d. No snacks between. Baby brine shrimp will also be another food source but is either harder to get or more expensive.
So earlier today I walked passed my main 20 gal tank and I see what I thought was a bug. Then, I look closer and it turns out that I have molly fry! I couldn't buy a breeder box because I live in a small city with a little petsmart and they aren't available, so the fry are just swimming around in the 20 ani mlved the mom out to my 10. But I was wondering how do I care for them? I know I h/ve to feed them crushed flakes but after how long will they start eating?

Some o the fry.

The rest.

And the mom!

Are there any other fish with the fry? If anything, put the fry in the 10 gal and the adults in the 20 gal. Also, you MUST do at least one pwc every week on the fry tank.
Re: FishCr8zy.
I didn't really want to move the fry ou because I've heard that someone tried that and a large portion of the fry died. In the 20 there's only a red minor tetra with the fry and in the 10 I have 2 platys and the mom.
Re: FishCr8zy.
I didn't really want to move the fry ou because I've heard that someone tried that and a large portion of the fry died. In the 20 there's only a red minor tetra with the fry and in the 10 I have 2 platys and the mom.

How did the person remove the fry? So there wasn't a male to mate with the female? Guess the Molly still had store sperm in her. Red minor tetra? I've never heard of that kind of tetra. Is its mouth big enough to eat the fry?
No no no. Leaving fry to survive on their own will almost seal most frys death sentence. Fry are very sensitive to water parameters and need to be fed 3-5 times a day. I feed my baby koi crushed flakes too. They actually started eating once they hatched so your mollies should be able to eat a bit for now. For now, add a small pinch full of crushed flakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Additional feeding can be served between two meals. As the fry grow larger, feed them more and more but not as often. Now my koi fry are around .5" and I feed them around 3-4 pinch fulls for b, l, and d. No snacks between. Baby brine shrimp will also be another food source but is either harder to get or more expensive.

Maybe your right with most cases, but I stated I've never kept Molly's and I've never kept fry. That's my friends experience. Quite a few of them survived. But being cautious is best, so thanks for chiming in!
Well, the red minor tetra, or Bruce Lee, doesn't have a large mouth which is why I left him in there and I guess that's wha happened with my molly(can they stoe sperm like platys?)
Well, the red minor tetra, or Bruce Lee, doesn't have a large mouth which is why I left him in there and I guess that's wha happened with my molly(can they stoe sperm like platys?)

Yeah, Im pretty sure all livebearers can store sperm for as long as they want. Lol, a tetra named Bruce lee.
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