Danio laying on side

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 5, 2014
Twin Cities
I have five pearl Danio in a 36 gallon tank with hanging filter and live plants. Before going on vacation for four days I vacuumed the gavel and did about a 50% water change. When I did the change I left the fish in because I don't have a bucket to put them in and I'm afraid my cats will go fishing. My partner feed the fish and noticed that one Danio was hanging at the bottom of the tank having trouble swimming. Could he have a damaged fin?

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I always do pwc's with fish in tank. I'd say it's very rare I've had a fish injure itself. Do you have any other fish that could of attacked it or any sharp objects in the tank?

Have you checked water specs including ph?

Possible that he didn't like the pwc or some infection. Did you temperature match the water? Was it a normal water change on schedule ?
Right now the only fish I have in there are the Pearl Danio. He could have injured himself on the fake hollow logs I have in there.

All the water specs are in acceptable range.

Ph: 7.6
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10-20ppm

I have only done one water change so far after having the fish two weeks. I was going to do a water change and wash the logs because there looks to be poo or food clinging to the tubing.

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I haven't seen any sign of injury, but I haven't been able to clearly see the side he's laying on. Water flow shouldn't be an issue as I have two air stones with my filter setup.

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Sorry I mean is he struggling with the water flow? Any red/blood marks?

I think I would also consider a smaller pwc but on a weekly basis which may be less stress.
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